Fwd From: <bblackm...@natel.net>

Our Fairfield Quiet Zone will come to a vote on the City Council in the next month or so. Prior to that vote a meeting has been scheduled for this Monday to inform and educate the public on the details of the Quiet Zone and provide all members of the community the opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns about the project. This meeting is an effort to ensure that everyone has had the opportunity to get informed and make their feelings known.

It is important that Quiet Zone supporters attend this meeting to show support for the project. If you can't make it at 7, please come when you can. Please see the front page of the current edition of the Fairfield Weekly Reader for further details.

In May the City Council voted unanimously to hire quiet zone expert Andy Mielke of SRF Consulting. Mielke came highly recommended by city officials in Burlington and has helped guide them and 23 other cities through the process of establishing their city's quiet zone. After completing site work in Fairfield, collecting traffic counts for each crossing, and working closely with the city engineer and director of Public Works, Mielke will provide an updated report in time for the Monday meeting at 7 p. m. at the Library. This meeting will dramatically affect the council's decision to approve or reject these recommendations.

It is crucial that we have positive, polite support at this meeting. Please come, forward this email to friends, and bring at least one neighbor that strongly supports the quiet zone.

We are very close to getting our QZ approved. Thanks for all your support.

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