Thx, now that you mention killing; one of my long-term objectives is to develop 
a death ray that can snuff people out at a distance.  Should take me about a 
year to implement it; at which time it will be tested on the likes of the 
Taliban, terrorists in general, hardened criminals with long rap sheets, etc.  

Due to the huge numbers of potential targets, I'll worry about the selectivity 
question when the victim numbers get whittled down to size.

This will save the taxpayers huge sums of money, and our troops will be able to 
come home from Afghanistan.

But no, those involved in the TMO will NOT be targets.  The Hellish doom that 
awaits them will be of their own making; and one can envision one of the lower 
Hells inhabited by Souls in the lowest levels of Dante's Inferno. What can be 
more a-Dharmic then allowing oneself to be tricked by charlatans?

And, in terms of Buddhist teachings, the death ray is acceptable within the 
teachings of the Nichiren School, but not other Schools.

--- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sun...@...> wrote:
> Oh goody. Someone new sending us to hell.  Pretty soon he'll recommend 
> killing us, and others, to save us from going to hell.  Time honored 
> tradition.  Good Buddhist teaching.
> --- In, "yifuxero" <yifuxero@> wrote:
> >
> > Much evidence supports the idea that TM is half-baked; in the sense that TM 
> > alone may often lead to a plateau in which the practitioner is stranded. 
> > (this applies more to TM alone, not TM "plus" rounding, or programs with 
> > emphasis on breathing exercises.)
> > 
> >  When confronted with the plateau, people usually quit at that time.
> > Others may look into other techniques.
> > 
> > I recommend a complete all-encompassing metaphysical system along with 
> > whatever techniques one chooses, namely Buddhism. Then, devotion to the 
> > Teacher may carry one beyond the plateau. 
> > 
> > Those who place their faith in the TMO and butt-bouncing are doomed to Hell.
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> > >
> > > TurquoiseB wrote:
> > > > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > > >   
> > > >> (BTW, so nobody worries about me, I'll be away for the
> > > >> next few days, back Friday.) 
> > > >>     
> > > >
> > > > Ah, the olde "I wasn't really obsessively using up 
> > > > almost all of my posts for the week in two days...I 
> > > > was just...uh...planning ahead for my 'vacation'...
> > > > yeah...that's the ticket" routine. I was starting 
> > > > to miss it. :-)
> > > >
> > > >   
> > > 
> > > Not to mention that just as she believes herself not only to be an 
> > > authority on TM she knows believes herself to be an authority on the BP 
> > > oil spill.   We can take that with as much credibility as her expertise 
> > > on TM.  :-D
> > >
> >

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