(MUM) is preparing to embark on a comprehensive campaign to ensure the lasting 
vibrancy of Maharishi's Consciousness-Based education on the campus in 
Fairfield and programs that extend around the world.  In order to seize 
opportunities and surmount challenges critical to the University's continued 
growth and excellence, the promise of the future will need to be met with 
proportional investment in the following priorities that are central to its 
mission, values and identity:

*Increase the number of endowed undergraduate and graduate scholarships offered 
to effectively recruit/retain top students, increase enrollment to 1,200 on the 
Fairfield campus and grow the retention rate to 80 percent
*Enhance all aspects of the Consciousness-Based foundation of students' 
experience on campus
*Enhance residential life by maximizing the efficacy of staff, policies, 
activities and facilities while promoting an inclusive living environment for 
all students
*Expand the range/number of social, cultural, athletic, and academic activities
*Broaden career counseling services and job placement efforts 

*Grow the faculty to accommodate projected enrollment growth and establish 
endowed professorships for the recruitment and retention of distinguished 

*Continue to create a campus that is in accord with natural law by developing 
residence halls, classroom space and cultural venues that are sustainable, 
carbon neutral and apply the principles of Maharishi Vedic Architecture 
*Undertake priority projects and renovations central to the University's 
mission and necessary for creating an optimal MUM campus community  

Medical School:
*Create the world's first medical school based on the principles of Maharishi 
Ayurveda with an integrated approach to health and healthcare

Maharishi School:
*Endow scholarships for students and faculty positions of our flagship K-12 
school on the MUM campus

Promoting Consciousness-Based Education and Peace Creation Worldwide:
*Collaborate with existing institutions and help establish new partnerships to 
effectively bring Consciousness-Based education to a global audience
*Increase the number of participants in peace-creating groups on MUM's campus 
and in Maharishi Vedic City to create national invincibility and world peace

MUM stands on the threshold of an important period of growth and expansion and 
the leadership has commissioned a planning study to assess the University's 
capacity to raise $50 million for the endowment over five years. As a valuable 
member of our community, your opinion on this matter is extremely important.  I 
invite you to provide your perceptions about the University and the proposed 
campaign ...

Thank you,

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