> Ahhh, yes, Bill Kristol, the man who 
> continues to believe that Sarah Palin 
> would make a fine President. That Bill 
> Kristol.
Ahh, yes, Joe Geezerfreak, the man that
"...can't defend the results of Obama's 
policies or the validity of Krugman's 
arguments." That Joe Geezerfreak.

> > > Grand Tea Party members are also called 
> > > Idiocrats and favor an Idiocracy.
> > > 
> > The left is unpopular, undisciplined, and 
> > ill-tempered.
> > 
> > "The "f*ck tea" movement—that's what the 
> > left has come to. They can't defend the 
> > results of Obama's policies or the validity 
> > of Krugman's arguments. They know it's 
> > hard to sustain an antidemocratic ethos in 
> > a democracy. They realize they've 
> > degenerated into pro-am levels of whining 
> > and squabbling. So they curse their 
> > opponents..."
> > 
> > Read more:
> > 
> > 'Collapse'
> > BY William Kristol
> > Weekly Standard, August 23, 2010
> >
> >

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