WillyTex wrote:
>>>> 69% of America: Rescind Bush tax cuts on rich...
>>> "Congressional Democrats wrote the budgets for FY 
>>> 2008 and on..."
> Bhairitu:
>> While the Idiocrats ran the government into the ground 
>> over the last 30 years. Nobody can fix that. How's your 
>> Mandarin?
> "In fact, the trend through 2007 is shrinking deficits. 
> What you see is a significant upward tick in 2008, and 
> then an explosion in 2009. Now, what might have happened 
> between 2007 and 2008, and then 2009? Democrats taking 
> over both houses of Congress, and then the presidency, 
> was what happened. Republicans wrote the budgets for the 
> fiscal years through 2007."
> http://pajamasmedia.com/instapundit/105058/

And why 2008?  Well that bailout that I didn't want and called my 
congressman twice to ask him to vote against both.   He along with the 
majority voted against #1 and for #2.   If congress had not voted for #2 
we think that the main effect would have been a bunch of very rich 
people, mainly in Europe, would have been bankrupt AND about time IMO.

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