One day a man named Joe died and went before the judgment seat
where GOD was seated with the Book of Life.In the book was everything that Joe 
had done in his life.As GOD went through the Book he kept shaking his head and 
saying"oh Joe have you been bad".GOD said this over and over and until finally 
he closed the Book.Then he said "Joe
I have no have to go to hell... and Joe given all the bad stuff 
you have done... it looks like you will be going to the lowest pit...the fire 
there is incredible and as I understand it the demons will be on you 24/7... I 
mean they will torment you over and over... apparently they love their work and 
never ever tire of making your life..well... a living hell :). So Joe go to 
hell!".As Joe began to walk away from the Judgment Seat towards the door to 
Hell, God said "Joe, just one last thing" and Joe turned with a look hope on 
his face and said "yes GOD" and God said" don't forget Joe... I LOVE YOU"  :). 

from a joke by George Carlin who was IMHO a genius and who in this joke 
basically says all you need to know about the concept of eternal damnation.

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I'm always amused when Nabby or someone else here invokes the spectre of
> "going to Hell" as the inevitable or proper punishment for something one
> of the people they disagree with is doing, saying, or thinking. The
> amusing part for me is not that they're repeating this Hell meme like
> mindless dogmabots, but that like mindless dogmabots they've never
> really *thought through* the philosophical ramifications of Hell itself.
> If it exists, doesn't that mean that God is *into* eternal punishment
> and the inevitability of evil, eternally? Doesn't it mean that the
> notion of the compassionate God is total bullshit? If He is ready to
> consign someone to Hell for eternity, that's just not my idea of
> compassion. Here's an article by a woman who has not been afraid to
> think about the Hell meme critically, and write about what a belief in
> Hell implies about those who believe in it.
> The Problem with Hell
> <\
> l_b_692924.html> by Sharon L. Baker
> When I was 26, I found out I was going to hell. Young,  impressionable,
> and without a strong faith, I listened intently as the  pastor of a
> church I was visiting described in graphic detail the  tortuous,
> unquenchable flames that would burn human bodies forever and  ever. He
> spoke of worms eating away at decaying flesh, total darkness  without
> the presence of God, and worst of all, no release from those  horrors
> for all eternity. I certainly didn't want to be one of those 
> unfortunate many to feel the flames licking at my feet soon after 
> leaving life in this world. So I took out the proper fire insurance and 
> asked Jesus to save me from my sins and, therefore, from eternal torment
> in hell. Whew! That was 25 years ago, and hell is still a hot topic.
> Hell haunts me deep down inside, where I fear to tread and fail to 
> admit uncertainty lest ripples of doubt disturb my secure little world 
> of faith, lest someone find out and think me less Christian and more 
> heretic. I have no intention of doing away with hell. I can't -- certain
> verses in the Bible won't allow me to do that.  So I am very concerned 
> about remaining faithful to the Christian scriptures; but I'm even more 
> concerned about remaining faithful to the God of love, who loves the 
> worst of the worst, the world's enemies, including, even, the Hitlers, 
> the Idi Amins, and the Osama bin Ladens of the world. Our traditional 
> views of hell as a place of eternal punishment where unbelievers dwell 
> in undying flames contradict the image of God as merciful, forgiving, 
> and compassionate. Our traditional focus on hell as an evangelistic tool
> does not genuinely communicate the very heart of the gospel. If we 
> receive Jesus as Savior merely because we want to avoid hell, we miss 
> the entire point.
> I am also very disturbed by the behavior of those who claim kinship 
> with God through Jesus, who for centuries have instigated and 
> participated in horrendous violence in the name of God. To stem the tide
> of religious violence in the world, we must offer an alternative image 
> of God that more closely resembles the teachings and life of Jesus of 
> Nazareth. If we do not hear the call of the kingdom, if we forget the 
> meaning of Jesus' life and death, then we will continue to live as if 
> Jesus never died. We will continue to solve the problem of violence 
> violently, including our buying into the violence of hell.
> So I've written a book that rethinks the issues surrounding  traditional
> notions of hell as a place of eternal punishment in favor of  a view
> more consistent with that of a loving God. What follows are my  reasons
> for wanting to raze hell:
>     1. Hell doesn't avenge evil or reveal God's power. It does the  exact
> opposite!  By holding on to the doctrine of eternal hell, we in  essence
> hold to the belief that in the end God's will to save all people  goes
> unfulfilled, which puts God's power and goodness in doubt.
>     2. Hell heralds eternal hopelessness. Suffering in hell for all 
> eternity means that souls burning there forever will exist without any 
> hope of redemption. This leads us to the belief that God withdraws 
> unconditional love once a person's body dies. In other words, God's love
> for us is tied to the physical body and the temporal realm, and grace 
> disappears for unbelievers after the physical life is gone.
>     3. Hell keeps evil in eternal existence. The Bible tells us  that, in
> the end, God will abolish evil. Yet, somewhere in the universal  expanse
> of God's perfect peaceful kingdom, evil still survives in those  who
> inhabit hell -- evil "lives" on eternally.
>     4. Hell creates a clash between justice and love. We  unintentionally
> conjure up a cruel father who demands that unrepentant  sinners spend
> eternity in the flames of hell, finding endless torture an  agreeable
> way to achieve justice -- which is a far cry from the God who  loves
> with an everlasting love. We develop a picture of a God who  promotes
> eternal punishment as positive, as part and parcel of divine  love and
> justice. We try to relieve these tensions by appealing to God's  love
> and mercy on the one hand, and to God's justice and wrath on the  other.
> Such a view of God's love, mercy, justice, and wrath leads to the 
> conclusion that to love is to punish eternally and, therefore, to 
> punish eternally is just.
>     5. Hell assigns eternal violence to God: Traditional theories of 
> hell not only keep evil in eternal existence; they also keep the cycle 
> of violence in motion for all eternity as unfortunate souls suffer the 
> ferocity of eternal torture because God requires it.
>     6. Hell executes eternal punishment for temporal sin: Does sin 
> committed during one short, temporary life span deserve an eternity of 
> punishment? Even in our own society, we strive to make the punishment 
> fit the crime.
> I wonder how many other pastors pounding pulpits across the world  have
> their parishioners running scared out of their wits and into the 
> kingdom of God, taking out fire insurance as a precaution against the 
> threat of hell. "Who cares?" you might say. "As long as they purchase 
> their policy in time, who cares why they buy?" God might. God may desire
> to save us from the flames in order to spend eternity in loving 
> communion, not by scaring us to death but by luring us with divine 
> compassion, urging us gently with a caring hand, forgiving, reconciling,
> and calling us to do the same.

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