> Why would a gal at a yoga camp shave
> her legs and put on a mini-skirt and
> stand in front of a married man like
> Jerry and a celibate monk like Mahesh,
> Joe?
> It just doesn't make any sense.
> It sure doesn't make sense, since the 
> things you mention above were not in 
> the book... 
It's mentioned on page 125 - how did you
miss it? 

"Maharishi looks a little shy and
embarrassed. That could be be because
this is the first time he has seen me
in a short Western dress...my legs are

Were you thinking that the look on their 
faces was because of her shaved legs?

Or, because of her unshaved legs?

> She wore saris in India, not mini
> skirts.
Maybe so, but at Poland Springs, 1971 
she wore a short Western dress. 

Everyone knows that Mahesh hates ladies 
to wear short skirts with their hairy 
legs showing. Apparently he was really
upset about this and so was Jerry.

It just doesn't make any sense.

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