--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool <ffl...@...> wrote:
> > One of his fans once insisted to me that Charlie must be 
> > speaking from direct experience “because he has been 
> > meditating for 15 years.
> 11 years was enough to convince some of us back then. I used 
> to go to the weekly evening lecture Charlie Donahue gave at 
> the Cambridge TM center in his days as east coast regional 
> coordinator back in the 70s. In one lecture, Charlie was asked 
> about UC. Charlie says something like "I have no experience 
> with TC, and I'm supposed to talk about CC, GC, and UC?"

Very honest of him. I never really knew C.Donahue,
because he was an East Coast guy and I was West
Coast. Besides, whenever all the Regional Coordin-
ators got together I never got to go because I was
one of the gophers left behind to run things while
they were away, in my case sub-bing for Stan Crowe.

But I can identify with what he says, because until
Fiuggi, when I flashed out for about three weeks and
thought I was in CC, I'd never really had a *clear*
experience of TC myself. That, for me, happened at 
the "five-year mark" of practicing TM. I would suspect 
that many TMers have never had a clear experience of

> Talk about bursting a bubble. I was expecting CC was a 
> 5 to 8 year thing, hopefully much faster with all the 
> residence courses I was doing, and here someone with 
> long rounding courses and time with MMY and 11 years 
> of TM (or maybe it was 8 Charlie had then), says he is 
> nowhere close.

Curtis has spoken often, and eloquently, about a 
certain *style* of talking and presenting yourself.
Charlie Lutes had that *style*. It is *supposed*
to convey a sense of "I *know* things you do not,"
and inspire awe and devotion. I didn't know what 
it was until I lived down the street from a small
Theosophical Society group and started dropping into
their meetings. Surprise! *Everyone* there tried to
carry themselves and push out the "I know things
you do not" number that Charlie Lutes was running.

Add to that the fact that we were all *looking for*
someone -- anyone -- who knew things we did not. We
were the perfect "sucker bait" for this *style* of
presentation and "teaching." 

I've been paying attention to some of the discussions 
in the last few days to see how many of them devolve
into one consistent bottom line. Surprise! ALL of them
do. That bottom line is, "I believe this because some-
one once said it (or wrote it in a book I consider
authoritative) and I choose to believe them."

That's really THE bottom line of spiritual experience
for most people, because on the whole most don't have
enough of their *own* experiences to fall back on. So
they pick someone whom they choose to believe, and
believe them. Or they do what Charlie Lutes did and
just make up shit or repeat shit they've heard from
people they choose to believe, hoping that people 
will believe *them* in turn. And thus the made-up shit 
masquerading as "knowledge" persists and replicates.

Take the raps about aliens and ETs. almost every one
of them is nothing more than "Someone I believe said
so, so it's true." Almost. The other alternative is
to do what Edg did and spout off about how he thinks
(and hopes) the universe "should" work and declare it 
as if it were fact. There is not an ounce of proof 
for ANY of these statements. And yet people repeat 
them as if they were not only true but Truth, and 
other people buy into them as if they were Truth.

All these years, all these decades, and people are
still doing the same thing. It takes someone strong
to do what Charlie Donahue did and say simply, "I
don't know."

I respect "I don't know." There is honesty in that
stance, and more, because given the centuries-old
trend in spiritual pursuits to do the opposite and
claim that you *do* know, based on what someone once
told you, it takes a certain strength of character 
and level of self-acceptance and humility to do 
the opposite.

Besides, "I don't know" is *liberating* whereas "I
know" is binding. If you claim to "know" something,
in most cases that means you have simply stopped 
looking for more to learn about that subject. "I don't
know" means that you are still open to learning more.

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