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The same people trying to sue individuals for tens (sometimes hundreds)
of thousands of dollars for downloading a few songs have no problem
ripping off artists and infringing copyrights themselves. Everyone in
the industry has known this for decades. Fortunately this time they got
nailed for it in court to the tune of $45 million.

BTW, in somewhat related news based on previous discussions here, just
to compare to what you pay or have to put up with in the US, my ADSL
service, which provides free phone calls anywhere, 20 Mbps Internet, and
all HD or non-HD TV channels, costs me 30 Euros a month. All phones
available in the Netherlands can be purchased "cracked" or "unlocked,"
meaning that you can choose any provider you want to for them. This
includes iPhones, for which you can choose among 20 or more providers to
find the best rate, or even use them on a pay-as-you-go basis, without a

On the other hand, and a *huge* contrast between here and France or
Spain, there is no free TV in the Netherlands. None. No broadcast TV of
any kind, analog or digital. In both France and Spain all you had to do
was buy a decoder and you had access to dozens of digital channels via
broadcast, many in HD. Here you have to pay someone -- some private
company or another -- to get any TV channels at all. I'm not sure where
this came from, but I'm a little dismayed that a country so progressive
in many ways doesn't provide any free TV to its citizens.
Record Labels To Pay $45 Million for Pirating Artists' Music
Written by Ernesto <>  on January
10, 2011
The major record labels are known for their  harsh stance on copyright
infringements, which in an ironic turn of  events is now costing them
millions of dollars. Revealing a double  standard when it comes to
`piracy', Warner Music, Sony BMG Music, EMI  Music and Universal
Music now have to pay Canadian artists $45 Million  for the illegal use
of thousands of tracks on compilation CDs.

It is no secret that the major record labels  have a double standard
when it comes to copyright. On the one hand they  try to put operators
of BitTorrent sites in jail and ruin the lives of  single mothers and
students by demanding hundreds of thousands of  dollars in fines, and on
the other they sell CDs containing music for  which they haven't
always cleared the rights. This happens worldwide and  more frequently
than one would think.

Over the years the labels have made a habit of using songs from a  wide
variety of artists for compilation CDs without securing the rights. 
They simply use the recording and make note of it on "pending
list" so  they can deal with it later. This has been going on since
the 1980s and  since then the list of unpaid tracks (or copyright
infringements) has  grown to 300,000 in Canada alone.

This questionable practice has been the subject of an interesting 
Canadian class action lawsuit which was started in 2008. A group of 
artists and composers who grew tired of waiting endlessly for their 
money filed a lawsuit against four major labels connected to the CRIA, 
the local equivalent of the RIAA.

Warner Music, Sony BMG Music, EMI Music and Universal Music were sued 
for the illegal use of thousands of tracks and risked paying damages of 
up to $6 billion. Today the news broke that the two parties have agreed 
upon a settlement, where the record labels are required to pay $45 
million to settle
<>  the
copyright infringement claims.

During the case the labels were painfully confronted with their own 
double standard when it comes to copyright infringement. "The
conduct of  the defendant record companies is aggravated by their strict
and  unremitting approach to the enforcement of their copyright
interests  against consumers," the artists argued in their initial
claim for  damages.

Of course, the labels are not so quick to admit their wrongdoing and  in
their press release the settlement is described as a compromise.
"The  settlement is a compromise of disputed claims and is not an
admission  of liability or wrongdoing by the record labels," it
<> .

Yeah, right.  :-)

David Basskin, President and CEO of one of the major Canadian  licensing
collectives, was nonetheless happy with the outcome. "This 
agreement with the four major labels resolves all outstanding pending 
list claims. EMI, Sony, Universal and Warner are ensuring that the net 
result is more money for songwriters and music publishers. It's a
win  for everyone," he said.

The major issues that led to this dispute are not resolved though. 
After paying off a small part of their debt the labels can continue to 
`pirate' artists' music as usual, using their work and
placing the  outstanding payments on a pending list for decades. A real
solution  would require the licensing system to change, and that's
not likely to  happen anytime soon.

Exactly. And in the meantime they'll keep trying to prosecute
individuals for "piracy."

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<i><font color=3D"#0000bf">The same people trying to sue individuals for te=
ns (sometimes hundreds) of thousands of dollars for downloading a few songs=
 have no problem ripping off artists and infringing copyrights themselves. =
Everyone in the industry has known this for decades. Fortunately this time =
they got nailed for it in court to the tune of $45 million.<br><br>BTW, in =
somewhat related news based on previous discussions here, just to compare t=
o what you pay or have to put up with in the US, my ADSL service, which pro=
vides free phone calls anywhere, 20 Mbps Internet, and all HD or non-HD TV =
channels, costs me 30 Euros a month. All phones available in the Netherland=
s can be purchased "cracked" or "unlocked," meaning that you can choose any=
 provider you want to for them. This includes iPhones, for which you can ch=
oose among 20 or more providers to find the best rate, or even use them on =
a pay-as-you-go basis, without a contract.<br><br>On the other hand, and a =
*huge* contrast between here and France or Spain, there is no free TV in th=
e Netherlands. None. No broadcast TV of any kind, analog or digital. In bot=
h France and Spain all you had to do was buy a decoder and you had access t=
o dozens of digital channels via broadcast, many in HD. Here you have to pa=
y someone -- some private company or another -- to get any TV channels at a=
ll. I'm not sure where this came from, but I'm a little dismayed that a cou=
ntry so progressive in many ways doesn't provide any free TV to its citizen=
s.<br></font></i><h2><b><font size=3D"3">Record Labels To Pay $45 Million f=
or Pirating Artists' Music</font></b></h2>
                        <span class=3D"post_credit">Written by <a href=3D"h=
ttp://" title=3D"Posts by Ernesto">Ernesto<=
/a> on January 10, 2011</span>

                        <div class=3D"single-excerpt">
                        <p>The major record labels are known for their 
harsh stance on copyright infringements, which in an ironic turn of 
events is now costing them millions of dollars. Revealing a double 
standard when it comes to `piracy', Warner Music, Sony BMG Music, EMI 
Music and Universal Music now have to pay Canadian artists $45 Million 
for the illegal use of thousands of tracks on compilation CDs.</p>
                        <p>It is no secret that the major record labels 
have a double standard when it comes to copyright. On the one hand they 
try to put operators of BitTorrent sites in jail and ruin the lives of 
single mothers and students by demanding hundreds of thousands of 
dollars in fines, and on the other they sell CDs containing music for 
which they haven't always cleared the rights. This happens worldwide and
 more frequently than one would think.</p>
<p>Over the years the labels have made a habit of using songs from a 
wide variety of artists for compilation CDs without securing the rights.
 They simply use the recording and make note of it on "pending list" so 
they can deal with it later. This has been going on since the 1980s and 
since then the list of unpaid tracks (or copyright infringements) has 
grown to 300,000 in Canada alone.</p>
<p>This questionable practice has been the subject of an interesting 
Canadian class action lawsuit which was started in 2008. A group of 
artists and composers who grew tired of waiting endlessly for their 
money filed a lawsuit against four major labels connected to the CRIA, 
the local equivalent of the RIAA. </p>
<p>Warner Music, Sony BMG Music, EMI Music and Universal Music were sued
 for the illegal use of thousands of tracks and risked paying damages of
 up to $6 billion. Today the news broke that the two parties have agreed
 upon a settlement, where the record labels are required to pay $45 
million <a href=3D"
ts">to settle</a> the copyright infringement claims.</p>
<p>During the case the labels were painfully confronted with their own 
double standard when it comes to copyright infringement. "The conduct of
 the defendant record companies is aggravated by their strict and 
unremitting approach to the enforcement of their copyright interests 
against consumers," the artists argued in their initial claim for 
<p>Of course, the labels are not so quick to admit their wrongdoing and 
in their press release the settlement is described as a compromise. "The
 settlement is a compromise of disputed claims and is not an admission 
of liability or wrongdoing by the record labels," <a href=3D"">it reads</a>.</p><p=
><i><font color=3D"#0000bf">Yeah, right.&nbsp; :-)</font></i><br></p>
<p>David Basskin, President and CEO of one of the major Canadian 
licensing collectives, was nonetheless happy with the outcome. "This 
agreement with the four major labels resolves all outstanding pending 
list claims. EMI, Sony, Universal and Warner are ensuring that the net 
result is more money for songwriters and music publishers. It's a win 
for everyone," he said.</p>
<p>The major issues that led to this dispute are not resolved though. 
After paying off a small part of their debt the labels can continue to 
`pirate' artists' music as usual, using their work and placing the 
outstanding payments on a pending list for decades. A real solution 
would require the licensing system to change, and that's not likely to 
happen anytime soon.</p><p><i><font color=3D"#0000bf">Exactly. And in the m=
eantime they'll keep trying to prosecute individuals for "piracy."</font></=


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