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“This impact in
the TM control
group is stunning— 
When you talk
about these causes
of death and you
can reduce them
by that much,
as well as non
-fatal strokes and
non-fatal heart
attacks, these are
spectacularly large
—Dr. Mehmet Oz

Dr. Oz Featured in the Huffington Post Endorsing the Transcendental Meditation 

An article in the Huffington Post features Dr. Mehmet Oz and a video of his 
recent presentation on the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program 
for reducing stress and promoting heart health. Dr. Oz gave this powerful talk 
at the “Change Begins Within” benefit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New 
York City. 
Dr. Oz is a nationally renowned medical expert—you may have seen him on The 
Doctor Oz Show or during one of his frequent appearances on Oprah. He is a 
heart surgeon and medical professor at Columbia University. 
In this brief video, Dr. Oz explains how the human heart is impacted by the 
buildup of daily stress, and presents research showing why the Transcendental 
Meditation program has emerged as a major tool to help prevent the leading 
cause of death in the Western world: heart disease. 
Here’s an excerpt from the Huffington Post article. Please click here to read 
the whole article and watch the video. 
>From the Huffington Post: 
Meditation is emerging as a powerful stress buster. Research shows that it can 
have health benefits equivalent to or better than some of the leading 
medications for reducing high blood pressure and high cholesterol. 
Dr. Oz is a meditator himself and spoke at the “Change Begins Within” benefit 
on December 13. The event was held by the David Lynch Foundation to raise funds 
to teach 10,000 veterans with PTSD how to meditate. Addressing the impact of 
stress and its toll on the human heart, Dr. Oz explained how the Transcendental 
Meditation technique reduces the three main risk factors for heart disease. 
“As a heart surgeon, I see the effects of stress on the heart... This 
meditation, we believe, can help a lot of people. It’s important to understand 
exactly how TM reduces stress and stress-related disorders.” 
Click here to read the whole article and watch the video

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