Nice Tart, very well said.

--- In, tartbrain <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, blusc0ut <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > People here are talking with other like minded people about their formative 
> > years. Along with the techniques we did, also belief-systems were 
> > transmitted. If you finish with a technique, you'll still have beliefs and 
> > concepts sitting in your system. Better deal with it.
> > 
> Thats a good way of framing it, "formative years". People that started their 
> TM years in their 30's or 40's moved on without much deeply embedded world 
> views and inner scar tissue. For those of us who started in our teens or 
> early 20's, during the "access" days, were totally bought into  all/most of 
> the vision, the framework, the methods, style, and world view. And on another 
> level, it was our formative social and sexual years. Relations bent and 
> conformed to the warps in time/space of the movement. On a third level, 
> career plans -- again during the formative period when people are figuring 
> out what they want to do, testing out life in the workplace and making a go 
> of it, many of us got quite warped about the day to day realities of 
> supporting self and family with vague notions of support of nature, and the 
> momentum of world plans which would push us like low lying lava in a volcano 
> to unimaginable heights.
> When the inevitable meeting up with reality occurred (you can live with 
> reality or reality will come to live with you) and we left the sacred holy 
> "movement" we rebuilt lives on top of the ruble. But the ruble remained, the 
> deep 5 story deep foundations deep within our spirit were still there, even 
> though the outer building was now quite different and distinctly 
> non-movement. Yet those deep foundations continued to influence us, in many 
> deep, often hidden ways. 20 years later, I still held many unexamined, 
> unsupported premises of how the universe worked. I remember telling a friend 
> who was open minded about many things about yugas and past golden ages 
> 100,000 if not millions of years ago -- as if it were fact -- just not 
> uncovered yet. With a few innocent questions, the whole pufffed up circus 
> tent was on the ground, at my knees, ruffling in the wind.
> It takes time to go back and re-examine that entire universe of world views, 
> mores, principals, ethics, and standards for evaluating truth claims.  I have 
> found FFL invaluable in doing that work, slowly removing the dead decay and 
> rebuilding those deep foundations set many years ago in my teens and early 
> 20's. So for those who were not there in their youth in the 60's and 70's or 
> who have still not dealt with those old deep movement foundations, it may 
> indeed seem strange that people are discussing shit that happened 30-40 years 
> ago. For those who are rebuilding, or reconfirming the rebuild of those deep, 
> formative years foundations, its as natural and common sense as breathing.

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