--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, blusc0ut <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "pileated56" <trunkp@> wrote:
> > 
> > > > It was a questionaire, it doesn't mean he was present himself. I don't 
> > > > know if CC, GC etc were mentioned, but people were asked to evaluate 
> > > > their own state of consciousness. It was clear that it was about states 
> > > > like CC, GC etc. It is also clear that he stated many times that 
> > > > everybody is already in CC.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Get your facts straight before posting.
> > 
> > Look, don't get nitpicking here, it was clear that Maharishi had those 
> > questionnaires handed out (he didn't hand it out himself, right). It was 
> > also clear that the self evaluation as referring to states of CC, GC and 
> > the like, even though I don't know the text verbatim, and I didn't claim 
> > this either. There is nothing wrong in what I said, nothing diminishing my 
> > original statement.
> I could have happened at the time of He having frequent conference-calls with 
> the participants in the Domes, who reported experiences of Brahman and Unity 
> consciousness.

Possible. But this wasn't in the domes.
> What I was wondering was why you made a point of it, sounds rather mundane to 
> me. But when it comes to Maharishi-bashing I guess anything goes.

It came up in the context of Judy's post and analysing why Maharishi would 
think people will have experiences. It is not Maharishi bashing, that is only 
your interpretation of it.

> If I'm not mistaken it was you who brought out the projects in Iran and The 
> Phillipines, and claimed it failiures, no ?

I said that the goals were not achieved. I cited them as examples for trying to 
achieve the ME without success, yes, because Judy had said that this attempt 
was new.
> I have news for you; these two, amongst others, will go into the 
> history-books as milestones in the growth of the full sunshine of the Age of 
> Enlightenment and will be obligatory curriculum for future students.
> Iran; even though the western embassies closed and the wealthy fled to the 
> countryside in fear of bloodshed when the Shah was forced to leave (from our 
> coherence,) not a single drop of blood was wasted. Not one ! To the great 
> surprize of foreign analysts and diplomats. The Shah quietly left the country.

Nice. Yet they couldn't hold the Shah as they had wished. And subsequently 
thousands if not millions were killed in the events that followed, the 
Iran/Iraq war. Many people ended up in camps and were tortured.Sorry for that.

> The Phillipines; when Marcos was forced to leave the country, due to our 
> coherence creating efforts, not a single drop of blood was wasted. Not one ! 
> When the demonstrators were at the bridge leading to the Palace ready to 
> moove, his general in chief said to Marcos; our tanks are there, we are ready 
> to wipe them out, we only need your command. Marcos calmly said; let it be. 
> Then he quietly left the country.

Good for him.

> Haile Selassie, Peron. The list of countries and peoples which literally was 
> saved from dictators and oppressors by the Divine grace of His Holiness 
> Maharishi Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and The Tradition of Masters is long.

Strange though that they forgot to announce what the purpose was. At the time 
they said that they wanted to hold these dictators. But I am happy history is 
now rewritten.

> The only time I heard Maharishi voiced a regret, was that due to slack 
> organizational matters we were not able to go to Cuba, someone made a silly 
> mistake which prevented us from going there. 
> Maharishi commented; if we had been able to go there Castro would have to 
> been history. Maharishi was saddened by this failiure.

Yes, the CIA also tried in vain, so he was not alone.

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