Coincidentally I saw Olbermann for about 10 seconds last night and before 
switching channels remarked to my wife that he had become irrelevant. Then I 
woke up today and learned the news.:-) 

--- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> On 01/21/2011 10:44 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In, m2smart4u2000<no_reply@>  wrote:
> >> he was fired since Comcast bought NBC. Definately has
> >> political overtones.
> > Probably not. He and NBC management have been at loggerheads
> > for quite awhile, not over his political views but because
> > he's not an easy guy to get along with. He has a history of
> > friction with his bosses at other gigs, some of which he's
> > stalked out on of his own accord.
> >
> > This has almost certainly been in the works for a while and
> > is most likely a mutual decision. I'm sure the conspiracy
> > theories will fly thick and fast, but let's see if Maddow
> > and O'Donnell and Uygur are next. My guess is they won't
> > be. I think NBC is happy with the liberal slant at MSNBC,
> > and Comcast isn't going to want to change what has brought
> > the channel better ratings than CNN any more than it has to.
> >
> And it may have been the other way ariound that Obermann didn't want to 
> work for Comcast.  I think there is going to be a lot of that going on 
> at NBC.  Resumes are probably being freshened up right now. Can't see 
> much of any liberal commentator wanting to work for that monopolistic 
> carny company.

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