On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 6:28 PM, John <jr_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I don't believe the ME is more educated than the US as you appear to say
> here.  For one, the men there still consider women to be subservient to the
> male population.  As such, the authorities, specifically the imams, do not
> consider it a priority to educate girls or women in their society.  This
> situation is most egregious in Iraq and Afghanistan.
What?  If you close your eyes, pick up a rock and throw it randomly anywhere
along, say, within 20 km from the Nile, you'll hit a perpetually unemployed
degreed engineer, accountant, lawyer.   Who cares if we're talking about
women or men?  Now that's in Egypt.  Same thing holds for the other ME
countries, with the exception of Israel.   Facts are facts despite your
myopic view of another culture through the eyes of a certain strata of
America.   Now as far as the education of women in Iraq and Afghanistan,
well, their culture makes sense to them.  Been there, felt that.  Go there,
feel that.

I actually came to FFL to post this:


The Cairo protests up front and personal.

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