--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@...> wrote:
> "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@> wrote:
> > >
> > > This brings up another interesting point. I find that it 
> > > is not our thoughts themselves about what apparently IS 
> > > that create our suffering; it is our subtler resistance 
> > > to them. 
> >
> > turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Bingo. 
> > 
> > As some hack playwright once said, "For there 
> > is nothing either good or bad, but thinking 
> > makes it so."
> * * * True that! -- and I find even thinking something is 
> "bad" is OK, as long as we give it the complete freedom to 
> BE "bad" in Us. 

That's a delight that I think many here are 
missing out on. Curtis has pointed out in the
past that he is able to poke fun at some of
the...uh...oddities of the TM movement because
in doing so he's poking fun at *himself*, too.
Dude's been there, done that, and is *aware* 
of it, so how can he not laugh at himself when
pointing out behavior he once indulged in?

Needless to say, I feel exactly the same way.
I was as much of a TB in public as anyone in 
the history of FFL ( well, maybe not as bad 
as Nabby :-). But I got over it. Now when I
laugh at TB excesses in others, I'm laughing
at them in myself as well.

Now these days I'm not much of a TB about 
much of anything. It's all POV as far as I can 
tell, and I've got thousands of POVs, none 
better than the rest as far as I can tell.
That, I think, is why those who occationally
try to taunt me into replying to them or to
entering into some long discussion with them 
by dissing or poking fun at what I believe in 
don't succeed much. I don't believe in much of 
*anything* strongly enough to have anything 
that someone else believes about it push my 
buttons. Whatever they say, whatever I say,
it's all just another line of bullshit drawn
on water. :-)

> As some hack Messiah said, "Resist not evil" ... 
> Unconditional love liberates unconditionally, or 
> "The Truth shall set us free" :-)

I wouldn't go that far. For example, if a big
drunk guy in a bar picks up a beer bottle and
advances on me with it, I would definitely not
consider him "evil." Thinking that would just
waste time, and I'd be busy looking behind the 
bar for a big honkin' baseball bat. The 
Louisville Slugger shall set you free.  :-)

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