I knocked Barry down several pegs yesterday,
and of course he's infuriated. He doesn't dare
respond to me directly or admit he's read my
posts, so the only way he can attempt to get
back at me is to piggyback on Bhairitu's

And when a person piggybacks on somebody else's
nonsense, they end up spouting nonsense too.

I didn't claim or hint or suggest in any way
that I had any expertise whatsoever on the
subject of an Internet kill switch. All I did
was report on what some articles I read said.

The Barrys have managed to turn that into an
act of extreme hubris. As if neither of them
had ever made proclamations in areas in which
they had no expertise *without* having first
checked out what the experts were saying, and
as a result gotten their proclamations
ludicrously wrong. Barry's lament over the
number of people who get their news from Fox
is the most recent example (one of the points
I corrected him on yesterday).

As to becoming angry, it's obviously Bhairitu
and Barry who are angry. I just think their
posturing is hilarious.

(Tom, interestingly enough, doesn't seem to
be angry, but it is a little silly for him to
assume, without reading the articles I cited,
that the writers know no more than I do.)

For the record, all I know about the Internet
kill switch idea is that nothing I've read
about it suggests it's anything more than a
wild paranoid fantasy. Nobody here--not
Bhairitu, nor Tom, and certainly not Barry--
has addressed any of the reasons these
articles put forth for *why* it's a wild

I suggest that if *they* want to be considered
the experts whose word we should accept without
question, they need to demonstrate it by
rebutting what the articles have said.

Denouncing me for citing these articles, and
claiming falsely that I consider myself an
expert, really doesn't do the trick. It just
makes them look ludicrous. (Tom didn't do
this, BTW, just Barry and Bhairitu.)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > ROTFL folks, I take Judy about as seriously as I do Willy.
> While I agree with the sentiment, someone should
> point out that you've just made a 100+ line post
> about her and her posturing. It could have been
> done in much fewer lines, and more generically.
> I think what you're railing against is a larger
> phenomenon, Internet Expert Syndrome, also known
> as Proclamationitis.  
> That's where a person with zero expertise Googles
> something or reads something on the Internet and
> considers themselves competent to write about it 
> as if they actually had expertise. 
> And then comes the clincher -- they parrot what 
> they've Googled or read and actually expect it 
> to be received as they actually had some expertise.
> In extreme cases they expect what they parrot to
> be treated as the "proclamations" they clearly
> consider it to be, and become angry when someone 
> identifies it as the mere parroting it is.
> I think it's an Internet-wide disorder, but is
> aggravated by exposure to TM and *its* style of
> speaking in parroted pat answers and expecting 
> them to be treated as proclamations.

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