"One of the most elemental human rights [is] the right 
to belong to a free trade union."

~~ Ronald Reagan in a radio address to the nation on Solidarity 
and United States relations With Poland, October 9, 1982

In Context:

My fellow Americans:

Yesterday the Polish Government, a military dictatorship, took another 
far-reaching step in their persecution of their own people. They declared 
Solidarity, the organization of the working men and women of Poland, their free 
union, illegal.

Yes, I know Poland is a faraway country in Eastern Europe. Still, this action 
is a matter of profound concern to all the American people and to the free 

Ever since martial law was brutally imposed last December, Polish authorities 
have been assuring the world that they're interested in a genuine 
reconciliation with the Polish people. But the Polish regime's action yesterday 
reveals the hollowness of its promises. 

By outlawing Solidarity, a free trade organization to which an overwhelming 
majority of Polish workers and farmers belong, they have made it clear that 
they never had any intention of restoring ONE OF THE MOST ELEMENTAL HUMAN 

The so-called new trade union legislation under which this contrary and 
backward step has been taken claims to substitute a structure and framework for 
the establishment of free trade unions in Poland. But the free world can see 
this is only a sham. It is clear that such unions, if formed, will be mere 
extensions of the Polish Communist Party...

~Full text at link: http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43110 

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