 From: news...@reply.newsmax.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 2/25/2011  10:19:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Bill O'Reilly: Scott  Walker Targeted to Save Obama in 2012

        Dear Reader, 

Bill O'Reilly was  absolutely right last night. 

As he said on  his Fox News show the other night, the Democrats know that  
if they lose in Wisconsin and that if Gov. Scott Walker  wins, it means that 
all across the country the  public employee unions will finally have to 
give up their  outrageous pay demands, lavish benefits and fat  pensions. 

And, as Bill O'Reilly said, this  will be bad news for the Democratic party 
which  depends on these unions. 

Worse, he said, it is  bad news for President Obama and his 2012 election  
plans, because he desperately needs these liberal  unions to win 

This is why team Obama  continues to throw everything but the kitchen sink 
at  Governor Scott Walker. 

This is why the work  of the League of American Voters campaign to support 
Gov.  Scott Walker is critical. 

Despite raging  protests and even threats of violence by union thugs,  
Governor Scott Walker is standing firm. 

But already  there are demands by some that he "cave". 

Frankly,  according to my sources in Wisconsin, the pressure  on Gov. 
Walker and the legislature is extraordinary.  

You have to remember, this is not a local  Wisconsin fight. It's a national 

That's why  Obama has brought to Wisconsin the full weight of every  
radical activist group in America. 

That's why the  Obama allied unions are pouring millions into TV and  radio 
ads in Wisconsin. 

He's dispatched his  allies from the Democrat National Committee, Norman 
Lear's  leftwing People for the American Way, and even Obama's own  group 
"Organizing for America."; 

Another Obama crony  liberal group, Moveon.org is mobilizing an "emergency 
call  for rallies in every state capital this Saturday... demand  that the 
rich and powerful pay their fair share."  

Governor Scott Walker needs every single  ounce of our support. We can't 
leave him alone in the arena  to fight. You and the League must join him.  

We urgently need help for our radio  ad blitz to support Gov. Walker - 

This is why the League of  American Voters is urgently launching a national 
effort to  help Gov. Walker and to stop these bloated unions.  

The League has prepared a powerful new radio ad to  air throughout 
Wisconsin in support of Gov. Walker.  

With your help we plan on exposing the Obama-Labor  machine in ads across 
the nation. 

The League of  American Voters is at the forefront of the battle in  
Wisconsin defending Scott Walker.

Dick  Morris, the famous Fox News analyst, says "The League is the  most 
effective grassroots organization in America."  Dick credits the League for 
having stopped Obama's "public  option" healthcare takeover. The public option 
would have  destroyed private health insurance, and we stopped them.  

The League also led the fight to force Pres. Obama  to renew the Bush tax 
cuts. Our national TV effort with Sen.  Fred Thompson worked. Obama caved. 

Now, the League  has prepared a powerful new radio ad to air throughout  
Wisconsin in support of Gov. Walker. 

With your help  we plan on exposing the Obama-Labor machine in ads across  
the nation. 

Our ad encourages Gov. Walker to stay  strong and exposes how public 
employee unions are gouging  the taxpayers. 

We urgently need you to help  the League in the vital effort to support 
Gov. Walker and  expose the unions - _Go  Here Now_ 

Help the League to end Big  Labor's ability to hold taxpayers, school 
students, and  emergency services hostage to the lavish demands of public  

Governor Walker is under intense pressure.  Team Obama wants to break him. 

One Congressman who  backs Obama even suggested violence is OK: "Every once 
and  awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little  bloody 
when necessary." 

This is disgusting and this  Congressman ought to be held accountable! 

But it  underscores the truth, Obama and his public union cronies  are 

They'll do whatever it takes to keep  power. 

That's why Obama says "Punish our enemies...  Reward our friends" 

But together, you and I can help  Scott Walker do what's right for 
Wisconsin -- what's right  for America. 

Help the League to support Gov.  Scott Walker. _Go  Here Now_ 

Yours for Freedom, 

Bob  Adams 
Executive Director 

P.S. -Moveon.org is  organizing an "emergency rally" in all fifty states 
for  Saturday. Millions of dollars from far left groups are  pouring into 
Wisconsin. The League of American Voters  urgently needs your help. Dick 
the famous TV  analyst, says "The League is the most effective grassroots  
organization in America." We stopped Obama's  "public option"healthcare 
takeover. We forced Obama to  continue the Bush tax cuts. And we can save Gov.  
Scott Walker. But we need YOUR HELP today. Time is critical.  Please _DONATE 
League of  American Voters|    722 12th Street  N.W.    |    Fourth  Floor  
  |    Washington,  D.C. 20005

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