On 02/26/2011 06:52 AM, WillyTex wrote:
> Bhairitu:
>> My latest video creation:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmOVURsFGUM
> Come on, admit it - what facts you know
> about the Koch brothers would fit on the
> end of a straight-pin.

The Koch brothers been quite a bit in the news over the past year, 
Willy.  It's pretty hard to not know about them unless you are living 
under a bridge somewhere.   Before their pet monkey started causing 
problems in Wisconsin they were in Rancho Mirage in SoCal planning their 
Reich.  They own a local refinery and though a Valero station is the 
closest to me usually with the lowest prices I no longer get gas there.

These pigs are a prime example of why we need progressive taxes because 
they are very destructive with their wealth.  They are using the tea 
party as useful idiots to implement their agenda.  We need to fight 
against them.  My video is a small effort to try to awaken people and 
start turning the tide against the sociopathic rich.

I would therefore say it is you who don't know Jack .... er David and 

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