On 02/26/2011 12:57 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> Take a look:
> http://media.mcclatchydc.com/smedia/2011/02/25/10/110225pett.slideshow_main.prod_affiliate.91.jpg

The funny thing I find is small business people who foolishly believe 
the GOP represents them.  They'll take their money and votes but would 
probably prefer they go out of business (or buy them for pennies).

The small business people get conned into believing the Democrats will 
pass more regulations they have to deal with.  And to be fair many 
Democrats *do* pass well intended but *stupid* laws with no thought to 
what burden they place on the "small guy".  A good example was this 1099 
addendum to the health care bill which even Obama in the state of the 
union said needed to be taken out.  Now I'm not sure who or what group 
of legislators put it in to begin with but we can use it anyway as a bad 
regulation.  IOW, if I go to Fry's and buy a new computer for $601 I 
have to make out a 1099 to Fry's who I would suppose probably have them 
available for us to fill out (they wouldn't want to slow down any 
sales).  What's ridiculous about this is that as a business we claim the 
damn computer anyway!  The dumb thing is we've been screaming the 
computers are getting so cheap we should be able to take them as an 
"office expense" instead of depreciable hardware.

So I'll further digress since I have the burden of doing tax worksheets 
this weekend that I could care less about and yet have to have done for 
my accountant how much I hate our tax system.  I would say about 20% of 
our population has the left brained mindset it takes to be an accountant 
but unless you want to give the IRS more money that it deserves you have 
to play that role too even just for the fucking worksheets!  Here we 
verge into spiritual territory as I point out the many people are 
"proud" or "egotistical" about their knowledge of tax laws (often flawed 
knowledge too) and love to be thought of as being "up on it."  First of 
all that is about impossible and I could care less.  But it is all about 
legally gaming the tax system which would not be necessary if we had a 
simpler tax system.  But then that would put a lot of CPAs on the 
unemployment line and piss off a lot of big business who got "pull the 
ladder up" tax breaks lobbied in place.

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