Absolutely stunning NYTimes-CBS News poll just out:

Majority in Poll Back Employees In Public Unions
Published: February 28, 2011

As labor battles erupt in state capitals around the nation, a 
majority of Americans say they oppose efforts to weaken the 
collective bargaining rights of public employee unions and are 
also against cutting the pay or benefits of public workers to 
reduce state budget deficits, according to the latest New York 
Times/CBS News poll....

Read more:

* Cut pay or benefits of public employees to reduce
state budget deficits ?

56% - Oppose
37% - Favor

* Take away collective bargaining rights of public
employees ?

60% - Oppose
33% - Favor

The numbers are amazing, especially among independents.

Also of interest:

"A majority of respondents who have no union members living
in their households opposed both cuts in pay or benefits and
taking away the collective bargaining rights of public

"Although cutting the pay or benefits of public workers was
opposed by people in all income groups, it had the most
support from people earning over $100,000 a year."

Quel surprise...

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