--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Michael Flatley" <untilbeyond@...> wrote:
> This is so far-fetched, it could be true, since truth is
> often stranger than fiction:
> http://www.zetatalk.com/call/c24.htm

"The Devil is reputed to be a red creature with a pointed
tail and two horns, most often carrying a three pronged
fork. Is this a mythological creature, or does it have a
basis in reality, and if so, how did it come to be
associated with evil? In fact, the Devil is not far in
description from a real creature, who lives and breaths
today, albeit not on Earth. This creature visited Earth
in the past, and, to say the least, made an impression.
Why the three pronged fork, and does the number 3 have a 
significance? It does indeed.

"The Devil of lore is a fairly accurate picture of an 
extraterrestrial who visited Earth millennia ago, briefly.
This visit preceded the time when the Bible was to be
written, and thus the memories of this entity were fresh
and strong."


Nowhere in the Bible, in either the Hebrew or Christian
Scriptures, is the devil physically described. (In fact,
in the Hebrew Scriptures there's not even an entity that
clearly corresponds to the Christian devil.)

Images of the devil similar to the one presented above--
"a red creature with a pointed tail and two horns, most
often carrying a three pronged fork"--didn't begin to
appear until the Middle Ages, and this was only one of
many variations. Medieval images of the devil are thought
to have been based on much earlier images of horned pagan
deities such as Pan and Dionysus.

So if these kinds of images are remnants of actual
memories of an extraterrestrial who visited Earth, he
must have made two visits--one to the pagans, long 
before the Bible was to be written, and one at the
beginning of the Middle Ages. Or he made only the
earlier visit, and the medieval artists got their 
notions of what he looked like from the pagan images.

Whichever one believe was the case, by the time the Bible
was being written (over a substantial period), any actual
memories of this creature's physical appearance had
already faded out completely.

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