opps that first link didn't work. The book is called The Reconnection by 
Dr.Eric Pearl. http://www.handofhealing.com/Page.html

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shainm307" <shainm307@...> wrote:
> I'm currently reading: http://www.handofhealing.com/Page.html.  In this book 
> it talks about reconnecting Strands of DNA. Apparently there are 12 strands 
> of DNA that we used to have connected, but apparently these strands were 
> disconnected long ago.  With a little bit of online research I found this: 
> http://www.dnaperfection.com/.  Does anyone think this may be another way to 
> evolve? I know it may sound weird but I have Jesus for guidance and he told 
> me that there are several ways to evolve, choose one and walk it. I also had 
> a dream where I was signing a contract and I saw two ways of evolving: God's 
> way or Maharishi's way. I chose Maharishi's way. Has anyone heard of anything 
> like this before?

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