On Apr 2, 2011, at 11:45 AM, tartbrain wrote:

> Not doubting does release a lot of wound up mental energy and tends to still 
> the mind. OTOH, in listening to some BatGap interviews, and some posts there, 
> and here, it would appear to me that a little more doubting about what the 
> direct experience of non-duality is may be in order.
> I would venture that caring about labels to assign to the degree of the 
> unfoldment of Awareness is also a trap. One could argue that without such 
> labels, how does one know if they are on the path and advancing. I respond by 
> saying that I am going nowhere. I am staying right here right now. I am not 
> attempting to get "over there" "sometime later". And that stages of 
> unfoldment are somewhat self validating. Not compared to some milestone "out 
> there" but compared to the stage of unfoldment yesterday. Or last year. In 
> this framework there is little room for doubt -- or egoic hubris.

One of advantages of having an authentic experience of nonduality is that one 
can apply enlightenment as the path and effectively skip gradations of a path 
which leads to enlightenment. But really, all those gradations of a graduated 
path are included in taking the fruition (or enlightenment) as the path.

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