Even after you've *told* him you were making fun
of him, he *still* doesn't get it.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- A few minutes ago, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > OK, but I don't see why any of this requires applying a
> > formal diagnostic label. And I think slapping a label on
> > one's analysis has a tendency to make one think the
> > analysis is more definitive than it may actually be.
> > 
> > Putting people in boxes is necessary for the kind of
> > health-care/insurance setup we have, but it may
> > rigidify and limit understanding of the individual. I
> > don't think any human being really *fits* in a box.
> But a few hours earlier she wrote:
> "Does anybody here think this all is not the *perfect* 
> description of Barry?"
> And a little while after that she wrote:
> "But it's interesting: Curtis thinks you're a narcissist,
> but Barry and I are not; I think Barry's a narcissist, but
> you're not; you think Barry's not a narcissist (don't know
> whether you think I am). Nobody else has weighed in and 
> said they don't think Barry's a narcissist, so I guess 
> everyone else agrees with me..."
> It seems that when Curtis describes Maharishi as a 
> narcissist that's bad, and "putting people in boxes."
> But when Judy does it, it's OK. :-)
> Also, should we interpret her saying "I don't think 
> any human being really *fits* in a box" and yet claim-
> ing that someone she dislikes is a *perfect* narcissist 
> mean that she doesn't believe that the person she dis-
> likes is a human being?  :-)  :-)  :-)
> What a loon.

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