A new course taught by Evan Finkelstein that explores the central teachings
of Buddhism will be offered via continuing education beginning April 27.

Included will be discussions on topics such as Buddhism and God, the
attainment of nirvana (the unconditioned state), the four noble truths,
non-duality, celestial Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the doctrines of anitya
(impermanence) and anatman (non-self, non-ego), and the Buddhist vision of
dharma and karma. 

These concepts will be explored though a wide range of Buddhist scriptures
representative of the traditions of both Theravada (doctrine of the elders)
and Mahayana (the great vehicle), which includes Chinese, Tibetan, and Pure
Land Buddhism. 

The course will be presented in five evening sessions, one session per week,
on consecutive Wednesday evenings, beginning Wednesday, April 27, at 8:00
p.m. in Dalby Hall 

The cost is $50. Discounts will be available for participants of the
Invincible America Assembly and for full-time MUM students, staff, and
faculty. The course fee will be collected at the door.

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