John 1:1, the original Greek:

en arkhe en ho logos, kai ho logos en pros ton theon,
kai *theos en ho logos*.

Most modern translations (at least the Indo-European ones,
and Finnish) change the word order of the last clause(?) as
if it'd been 'ho logos en [article here?] theos'. For instance,
probably all the English translation have:

...the Word was God.

Some others:

Swedish: Ordet var Gud.

Italian: la Parola era Dio.

Russian: Slovo (Word) bylo (was) Bog (God).

Of non-IE bibles, the Finnish 'Biblia *1776*' has:

Jumala (you-mala, God) oli (ollie, was) se (the or that) Sana (Word).

The only exception seems to be the German Lutherbibel:

...Gott war das Wort.

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