Newsweek article, April 18, 2011.
continued...summary and excerpts. (couldn't find online copy)

more on #1:
Eric Schmidt, former CEO, Google: "Neutralize frivolous patent claims"
"...infringement claim damages should be tied to the actual value added by a 
patented feature - not the entire product, which might have thousands of parts".
#2 Bill Bradley - Introduce health courts. [covered before].
#3 Mitch Daniels - Merit-based civil service
#4 Alice Waters - Healthier kids' lunches
#5 Mark Cuban, Owner, Dallas Mavericks; - Streamline entrepreneurial paperwork.

"Today, it's impossible to start a business without professional help". 
"Paperwork strangles small businesses before they start - this country's 
greatest inhibitor to job growth".
#6 Mike Bloomberg - eliminate seniority hierarchy in eduction. "Last in, first 
out" would jeopardize that progress - and harm our kids"

#7 Peter Orszag - Modernize shipping requirements. "The Jones Act of 1920 
requires all shipping between American pots to occur on US - flagged, built, 
owned, and manned ships, unlike other forms of transportation.". "...even a 
quarter-century ago, this rule cost America more than $250,000 for each job it 
to be continued 

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