A friend of mine who maintains a mailing list of...
uh...Newagey people recently posted this story:

Raja Ravi Varma was a great devotee of Parashakti, 
the Divine Mother. He was asked to paint the portrait 
of King George. While doing so, King George noticed 
that Raja Ravi Varma didn't take his eyes off his 
subject while his hand painted. King George asked 
"Why don't you look at the canvas?" Raja Ravi Varma 
replied, "If I would look at the canvas, She would 
stop painting."

Reactions ranged from "Wow, really?" to "u r correct...
divine stops working when we start" to "whoaaaa" to
"this proves the existence of the Divine Mother."

If I were to ask this group of people, "How many of
you typed your replies without having to glance at
the keyboard?", what do you think the reply would be?
Is touch typing "proof" of the existence of the
Divine Mother? If they had no need to look at the
keyboard when replying, does this mean that the 
Divine Mother typed their replies?

I guess my point, if I have one, is that people who
have a Woo Woo view of the universe are able to see
Woo Woo in anything. I've hung with artists for years,
and know easily half a dozen of them who don't need
to look at what they're drawing to render it perfectly.
Not once has it occurred to me to think that someone
or something else was doing the drawing for them, no
more than it occurs to me to think "Someone or some-
thing else is thinking my thoughts when I type them
without looking at the keyboard." 

I think that this is a classic example of "drawing
bullseyes around arrows;" that is, starting with a 
premise and interpreting anything one sees as valid-
ation of that premise. What do you think? Was Raja 
Ravi Varma doing his own painting using an artist's
version of "touch typing," or was someone or some-
thing else doing the painting for him? I think the
responses here would be revealing.

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