
Since chart reading can be a never ending tiresome exercise I will just
focus on my strengths which is personality analysis - areas of strengths
and weaknesses. Let me know how I did, since you didn't mind the
initial reading to be in public I'm posting it to FFL.

A note of caution - I have pointed out areas of strengths and challenges
as indicated by the positions. It's quite possible that you have
identified and worked on dealing with the challenges since you are a
mature adult now but I have laid them out as I see it in your chart.

Not sure how comfortable you are with astrological jargon but I can't
resist using them.

The rising sign is Virgo which indicates a service oriented nature soul,
someone who is humble unassuming and a caring perfectionist. You are
keenly observant of your environment and pay attention to details that
others would miss. The ascendant lord Mercury in the 8th house with Sun
shows the powerful influence in your functioning.You have a very sharp
penetrating intellect and powerful intuition. You arevery quick to grasp
people's motivations, developing strategies and subjects requiring
research and investigation.

8th house also represents the metaphysical and this would explain your
strong interest in spirituality. You love to explore the deeper meaning
in life, going beyond the ordinary sensory experiences, unexplored,
hidden, or taboos. 8thhouse is using the powerful creative energy to
heal, transform and rejuvenate.  The 8th house is colored by the sign of
Aries – you are bold, energetic, independent, and quick to take
initiative in the areas of metaphysics or anything that requires deep
research, more of a sprinter than marathon runner, love challenges. You
get bored with minute details because of your ability to see the big
picture right away. You don't like to get stuck in a rut and are
eager to move forward. Sun conjunct Mercury indicates much mental
energy. You are a strong thinker and proud of it. You love to explore
hidden meaning in different angles at a high level without getting stuck
in details. You have a strong belief in destiny.

The other important combination is the Mars and Jupiter opposition along
the 5th-11thaxis. Both Mars and Jupiter are exalted and Mars and Jupiter
is a good combination here and you are bold and energetic. Mars in the
5th house indicates you love action, sports, being competitive. The
position of Mars indicates you are a very level headed guy in control of
your emotions withlot of self control, your energy is well directed
towards goal oriented pursuits.

Jupiter in the 11th house indicates you are a very noble, charitable
humanitarian and you love friends, social gatherings and circles.
Usually Jupiter here indicates association with spiritual/philosophical
groups because of the Jupiterian qualities of knowledge, wisdom,
generosity and an eagerness to share this. You have a lot to offer in
spiritual groups or circles.

Now coming to the nodes Rahu & Ketu that I pay close attention to. Rahu
shows the areas of entrapment, the cause of rebirth, the things that
keep you bound and Ketu shows moksha or liberation. Rahu shows where you
are trying to grab or overcorrect, Rahu and Ketu are always opposite to
each other, so Ketu shows the area where there is a void that you need
to fill for your spiritual progress, liberation from the material plane.

Sautrn in the 3rdhouse shows your difficulty in taking a stand and
taking initiative. You may bea man of few words and coming across as
cold, distant and reserved. The nodes along 3rd/9th axis show that you
avoid confrontation and conflict and find it very hard to a take a moral
stand or decision. You may be overwhelmed by mental overload to the
point where you may not commit to anything which might cause problems to
others around you. You might have lot of conflict and battles in the
mind which might leave you exhausted. You most likely wouldn't want
to offend anyone and use logic to avoid taking a stand.

Venus, the planet of love, emotions and refinement is also eclipsed by
the nodes and Saturn. This suggests that your ability to express and
receive love is one of the weakest areas. There might be issues of
emotional blocks and feeling of worth. Venus conjunct Ketu shows that
you have trouble in expressing love and you would rather stick tologic
and reasoning.

This pattern seems to berepeated by Moon in 12th. This is the one
feature of your chart where the masculine planets – Mars, Jupiter
and Sun are all very strong whereas the feminine planets Venus and Moon
are weak. Moon in 12th shows a very sensitive and emotional person but
these are hidden. These could be related to issues with women or that
you have been unconsciously emphasizing your masculine qualities at the
expense of love, feelings and emotions. This is also repeated where your
4th house is trapped by malefics on either side.

Moon in 12th does however show that you have deep emotional attachment
for things that are etherealand eternal – 12th house is for
liberation and moksha. You might be flooded with deep emotions and need
solitude, you are also sympathetic to people's sufferings but might
not be always able to express it, this pattern indicated earlier with
the nodes and Venus along the 3rd/9thaxis. However Moon is in the royal
nakshatra of Magha in Leo and you might be too regal, proud, noble and
dignified to even admit all this.

So for total harmony, balance and happiness, the positions indicate
developing the need to develop feminine qualities of love in the
interaction with others and use intuition and faith at the expense of
logic, mental overload and not be afraid to take stands/decisions based
upon your value system even if it makes others unhappy.

Thank you

Ravi Yogi.

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