. amunaa; eva 
> hetunaa paraiH; anyaiH; ca
> kaayavadbhiH; asaMsargaH samparka-abhaavaH saMsargaparivarjanam iti; arthaH .

The meaning (arthaH) of saMsarga-parivarjana (abstaining from contact
[with other people]) [is] like this (iti): for this (amunaa) very
(eva) reason (hetunaa)[1] non-contact (a-saMsargaH) and non-existence
(abhaava) of ?sexual intercourse? (saMparka)[2].

1. loathing of ones own body?

2. samparka     m. (ifc. f. %{A}) mixing together , mixture , commingling , 
conjunction , union , association , touch , contact between (comp.) or with 
(instr. with or without %{saha} gen. , or comp.) MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; 
bodily contact , sexual intercourse with (comp.) Kull. ; addition , sum A1ryabh.

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