--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > A  (short) message of Hope:
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > This is an interesting short.  Very much about meditation and the value 
> > thereof making no mention of particular technique and it then comes 
> > together in the end advocating meditating ecumenically.  Very highly 
> > produced.  
> > 
> > On the one hand there is the head of TM speaking, pictures of Buddhists, 
> > some secular people, science researchers that have nothing to do with TM 
> > talking, some charts related to TM studies but un-identified as such to 
> > make a larger point.  Yet throughout, particularly no mention of TM.  Was 
> > that edited this way because TM is seen as being too controversial, 
> > spiritually material and buzzy in the marketplace to mention in a larger 
> > exposition like this one?
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_YOG3jMlV4&feature=player_embedded#at=26
> Put together in something larger, did John Hagelin and Deepak Chopra both see 
> they are together on this short?  It's short and is really quite a 
> large-thinking montage in ecumenical spirituality.  It's quite a  modern 
> advocacy in what is largely known.  
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_YOG3jMlV4&feature=player_embedded#at=26
> >

Om, did the meditation-haters here happen to see that part in this video about 
negative thoughts on water molecules?  Wow.

Here's a really nice old hymn about people hung out on their spiritual practice 
and may be even quit on the path:

O for a closer walk with God, 
A calm and heav'nly frame,
A light to shine upon the road 
That leads me to the Lamb.

Where is the blessedness I knew,
When first I saw the Lord?
Where is the soul-refreshing view 
Of the Unified Field and It's word?

What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!
How sweet their mem'ry still!
But they have left an aching void
The world can never fill.

Return, O holy Dove, return,
Sweet messenger of rest!
I hate the sins that made thee mourn,
And drove thee from my breast.

The dearest idol I have known,
What e'er that idol be,
Help me to tear it from Thy throne,
And worship only Thee.

So shall my walk be close to God,
Calm and serene my frame,
So purer light shall mark the road
That leads me to the Unified Field.

Yours in Love of the Lagrange,

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