Right on, in fact most of the Gurus are trend setters. Vaj misses the
point or intentionally misrepresents.
The truth is always same, the techniques well known. When a Guru is new
on scene he might have to point to scriptures, existing Gurus and
lineages to create the trust in seekers hence all this drama with MMY,
SBS, Gurudev and what not. However they are not bound to all this, they
in a way use these to announce themselves and after the seekers finds
the love and trust in the Guru, the Guru eventually throws all the
scriptures, lineages and his Guru out of the door and introduces his own
techniques. The same techniques repackaged like the old wine in a new
The Guru understands the goal oriented greedy nature of the human mind
and its need to feel special. So the Guru will repackage the truth and
the techniques with new names and will refer to his/her techniques as
the greatest or special or even refer himself or herself as the greatest
avatar. But these are all tricks, techniques or devices used to wakeup,
to point to the inner Guru.
Most seekers are mature and eventually can see through the Guru's
function but the infantile ones like Barry and Vaj are stuck with in a
rut with these outer tools and techniques. They feel cheated by the Guru
and are hell bent on revenge the rest of their lives.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@...>
> Sorry Vaj, complete BS. The Universe does not require some "authentic
transmission and lineage" for self realization, or teaching. That imo is
a Buddhist Ego Trip. That is why US Buddhists are so ineffective, always
fussing with their made up credentials instead of making spiritual
progress. To even try and pass judgment on Maharishi from a deluded fool
such as yourself is laughable. You oughta continue with all of your
buddhist tom-foolery. It keeps your head full of useless information and
prevents you making any progress. Enjoy!
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > On May 18, 2011, at 3:40 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:
> >
> > > Perhaps a useful question is this: just how deep does the "purity
> > > of the teaching" have to be to ensure that a meditator has a
> > > correct experience of TM, or some other technique. From what
> > > teachers told me, there seem to be two elements. A mantra, and the
> > > correct way to use it, which is the right start of meditation, and
> > > then everything mostly takes care of itself.
> >
> >
> > The simple answer is it needs to be an intact line with an
> > appropriate delivery method. We now know two things:
> >
> > 1. Maharishi was NOT authorized by Swami Brahmananda to teach nor
> > he trained in how to do so.
> >
> > 2. Puja diksha is an authentic method for mantra initiation, but it
> > requires a) an authentic teacher, which Mahesh was not, and b) an
> > authentic means. The "puja" Maharishi created is a hodge podge of
> > different goods, tacked onto one another. The important thing here
> > that we now know that the puja is largely derived from a student of
> > Swami Brahmananda who was a poet and scholar. When Brahmananda was
> > told of this poem, poem, he explicitly asked Mahesh to destroy it
> > throw it into the Ganges. Mahesh instead kept it and used it,
> > the direct wishes of his guru.
> >
> > So therefore we have an untrained and unauthorized student with no
> > line of transmission using a made up, but very clever device to fool
> > the unwary and to promote his own cause(s).
> >
> > The further fact that Mahesh's teaching is in direct opposition to
> > SBS's closes this case.
> >
> > Verdict: phony guru with phony initiation ceremony, against the
> > direct wishes of his guru...and millions of fooled customers.
> >

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