Loebsack sees bin Laden photos

U.S. Rep. Dave Loebsack saw the gruesome photos of Osama bin Laden's corpse 
Thursday, and he immediately concluded that President Barack Obama was right to 
withhold them from public view.

"It's clear to me that if the photos were released, our troops would be in more 
jeopardy, and the chances of retaliation would be increased," he said. "And it 
could put American citizens traveling abroad or living abroad in more danger as 

The Iowa Democrat was invited to view the photos at CIA headquarters because he 
is a member of the House Armed Services Committee. He was the only Iowa member 
of Congress to have the opportunity.

He declined to describe the photos in detail. "I think it's fair to say our 
troops did their job and did it well," he said of the shooting's results, which 
reportedly included a massive head wound.


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