> > Pure Land of Mukpo in Shamballa.
> >
> The hidden valley in NNE coast of Cape Breton? ...
Up in Nova Scotia:

"It was winter in the North Country - the guru, 
Trungpa, was gone - dead, owing to the effects 
of riotous living. His body had just been cremated 
after he had laid in state for 50 days. 

Many of his senior disciples now sat in rows, 
meditating, sitting on deep red cushions placed 
among the the highly decorated pillars of the 
meditation shrine hall. 

Up front sat the late Lama's Regent and the High 
Lamas visiting from Tibet..."

Hey! It is a Double Mirror:

"Double Mirror"
by Stephen T. Butterfield
A skeptical journey into Buddhist Tantra world 
of the Trungpa Tulku
North Atlantic Books, 1994
Paperback. In print. Illustrated. Reccomended.

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