Poison is the favorite method of killing gurus of opposing sampradaya-s
or even another guru within the same sampradaya. It is usually slipped
into the food while the cook is being distracted by another person and
is carefully measured.

By Milarepa's time it has spread to Tibet also. If you have ever read
his biography you'll remember that he was poisoned.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
> <snip>
> > What always seemed odd to me was that Mahesh occasionally is found
> > worrying about being poisoned or his relatives being poisoned.
> >
> > Why?
> Perhaps because that's a common means of murder in
> India? I would imagine a country with a long tradition
> of herbal medicine would probably also have knowledge
> of poisons, and they wouldn't be hard to obtain.
> Also perhaps because it would be easier to get to him
> that way?
> > That seems odd to me. I always wondered if he had a guilty
> > conscience.
> >
> > Of course the Guru Dev portrait was a major part of his schtick.
> I've always assumed that making puja to Guru Dev was
> MMY's way of tacitly acknowledging that his non-Brahmin
> status meant that he couldn't give initiation on his own
> authority, so he bumped the responsibility upstairs, as
> it were. That's why he insisted on the puja prior to
> initiation. IOW, he may well have had a "guilty
> conscience" on that score.

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