--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptybill@...> wrote:
> Who the "fucking hell" cares what you have to say about this?
> Go talk to Bariatric-I whose opinion is that everything is opinion.

To hold that there is something other than opinion implies you know something 
that is absolutely true. Can you share?

> You'll be able to entertain him for a moment.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > What the fucking hell does anyone here care about the credentials
> about anyone else?  It's the same damned deal as being a birther.  Does
> anyone  -- ANYONE -- think the Turq understands philosophy anywhere as
> deeply as Vaj? -- yet Turq taught TM for sure.  Turq's credentials turn
> out to be merely "an expired license to spread TM" -- not "Professor
> Emeritus Retired."
> >
> > Vaj has gone toe to toe toe with just about everyone here and has held
> his own consistently and courageously, and he wields logic like a
> scalpel.   There's not a spiritual topic he doesn't have considerable
> wherewithal to address.  Again and again he's been cogent and often
> speaking about far more subtle levels of consciousness than TM ever
> delineated.
> >
> > Anyone, by googling, can self-educate and become as knowing of the
> details as I was after nine months teacher training and thousands of
> hours in Maharishi's presence.  If he's faking anything, he's doing a
> better job of knowing the TM POV than some TBers here, and when he
> counters the TM POV, those whose depths are lesser resort to personal
> attacks, because they just don't have the tee shirt to be in the
> discussion.
> >
> > When I left teacher training, I didn't know jack shit compared all the
> "other ways to be spiritual" that I now know about -- no TM teacher was
> taught to be a true scholar or even a true teacher of what they did know
> -- since they were instructed how to avoid uncomfortable questioning and
> >
> > To question Vaj's right to be here in this den of failures, blind TBs,
> braggarts, trolls, obvious psychopaths and sociopaths, wandering
> thinkers, true hearts and fly-by-scoundrels is to be about as fascistic
> as one can get.
> >
> > Let the man talk.  If you disagree with him, it's your moment to
> gather the clarity to counter him such that both of you get a win/win. 
> If you attempt anything else other than mutual clarity, you're a
> bullying bastard.
> >
> > Vaj is exactly the person I wish was in the audience of the very first
> lecture on TM I ever heard.  Can you imagine how he would have made that
> lecture a shambles of patchwork ideas that do not cohere around axioms
> everyone accepts?
> >
> > In fact, anyone here could make mince-meat of the TM first lecture,
> and those that "don't want to" are the most intellectually dishonest
> amongst this pirate crew that's thinks it's okay to crash Rick's Party.
> >
> > Edg
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@>
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Nice try troll. Dude, Barry doesn't read my posts. Therefore I
> have no clue who you are, or how you gained access to his email account.
> There is NO WAY you are him - just some impostor troll. I DO have
> evidence though, not from a database, but from a real member of the TMO
> who has access to such things, and it is irrefutable. As I said before,
> Vaj has never learned, practiced or taught TM. He also knows nothing
> about the TM Sidhis.
> > >
> > >
> > > Hardly surprising considering his level of "understanding" regarding
> how TM works. He has even disclosed he has no idea of how to use the
> mantra.
> > >
> >

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