--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Nothing wrong with the conjunction to turn it into one
> > sentence.  I don't think it is that hard to understand.
> Compound sentences are fine, but you should put a comma
> (or a semicolon) between them (in this case, after "fact
> of life").
> Speaking of conspiracies, have you heard that Alex Jones
> agrees with Jerome Corsi that Donald Trump is secretly
> working with the White House to discredit Republicans?

Corsi believes he has irrefutable documentation for his book "Where's the Birth 
Certificate" that alleges Obama was born in Kenya but IMO his allegation that 
Trump helped Obama is nothing more than unsupported rumor-mongering. Jonathan 
Kay would call Corsi a conspiracy crank, because Corsi, does in fact have a 
long history of promoting conspiracies. 

It's easy to dismiss Corsi with the label "crank" as Kay would have us do, but 
name calling should not be used to dissuade us from making an honest inquiry to 
either prove or disprove what a "crank" has to say. 

What if it turns out that 911 was an inside job hatched by Neo-cons to pass the 
Patriot Act and you woke up in prison one day because you broke a secret law?  
Sen. Ron Wyden offered amendments to re-authorization of the Patriot Act that 
would ban any Administration's ability to keep a "secret law" or internal 
interpretation of the Patriot Act classified but it failed, so now you're in 
jail and you don't know why. I suppose it wouldn't have mattered whether you 
believed 911 Truthers or not, it's the same jail, Truther or not. It's pains me 
to say it, but nowadays, I am more willing to trust a Truther dishing bullshit 
for a buck than my government lusting for power, conquest and empire.


The Patriot Act, a parasitic Rosemary's Baby, was illicitly conceived by 
Neo-cons prior to 911 and delivered for GWB's signature October 26, 2001. 
Nurtured with blood and treasure, the Patriot Act has grown powerful enough to 
destroy all civil liberties, squash dissent, punish with secret laws, and 
impoverish our nation with endless war. Thanks to the stroke of a mechanical 
pen and an absent President, your get out of jail free card has been revoked.


Corsi's Swift Boating of John Kerry was painful to watch, mostly because Kerry 
is a Pussy.

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