Mongolians practice Gelug Kadampa and Bön.

Are you a Buddhist? Are you a Bönpa?

Who are your gurus? Do you have any?

Did you ever learn tm & tm-sidhi practice? Where?

You hide like the Oz magician. Are you afraid of being found out?

Why are you on FFL - other than to harass meditators here?


--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> And of course these poor Buddhists are probably being lied to, just
> like TMers were, and believe that TM is some magical "it's OK we're
> <insert your religion> -friendly". Nevermind that TM is incompatible
> with Buddhism on so many levels.
> I wonder if they gave them copies of the 1/3 of the gita "translation
> and commentary" translated into Mongolian to help convert them to
> pseudo-Hinduism? Hell, after they saw all the charts, they probably
> got down on their knees and converted en masse.
> TM: converting the world, one meditator at a time!
> The Global Bad News? Other rajas will follow and have sex with the
> best of the young women, as a demonstration of the real Maharishi
> "effect"!

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