Thanks for sharing your thoughts :-)
--- In, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@...>
> After being on here awhile on FFL, I have an impression of good stuff
regarding as many of us as came to mind -with a nod to Turq's earlier
> Turq: Types almost as fast as he thinks, which truly blows me away. As
close to painting with words that I can come up with. Very cool talent
– wish I had it (thank God for Word in my case).
> Also his living now in three countries in a few years – I have
traveled a lot, but haven't *lived* abroad as an adult, as in had an
address in several countries, learned the languages, the cultures, and
earned my livelihood. Amazing. Hats off to you.
> Curtis: Our FFL street musician/one man band, all round angel of the
asphalt and philosopher. Performers, people that do stuff to entertain
others, the troubadours of our age, get a lot of love. good on ya mate.
> Yifuxero: Your art links are always interesting – some of them
damned good.
> Authfriend: A razor's edge, always pristine and unerring in your
logic. Word smith. Need I say more?
> Peter: Tropical teacher, drummer, doctor, devotee, the
doesn't-exist/vanishes in the mist-dude.
> Nablus: Nordic Bhakti, Jai Guru Dev.
> Rick Archer: An endless and effective gift for facilitating and
documenting knowledge exchange; FFL, BATGAP, teacher, and dog owner? Not
sure about the last one.
> Sal: She and seventhray often make up the salty, peppery condiments
for many a paragraph served up here on FFL. Biting wit.
> Raunchydog: Once you get your teeth into something, it is toast.
> Seventhray: your asides bust my gut - (see: Sal).
> Emptybill: piercing and true. I enjoy your sense of humor blended with
> Willytex: FFL archivist, hands down.
> Mike Dixon: Another fine wit – with a dose of still waters run
> Buck: All about natural surroundings and the country. A quiet
presence. Enjoyed your "Burma shave" mantras, though they burned a lot
of posts.
> Wayback: Gentle perceptiveness.
> Ravi: Came in like a tornado, and has settled down to a refreshing,
sometimes invigorating breeze.
> Tartbrain: Often walks in on the flip side, the other side of the
coin, or expands an idea past assumed boundaries, balancing on
boundaries of the infinite instead. Acrobatics.
> Vaj: Cool forum name. Enigmatic person.
> Merlin: TM News crier.
> Edg: Rides a whachamacalit thingadibobber. Also paints with words.

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