Since some on this forum seem to have funny ideas 
about what exactly I believe, I thought I'd take
advantage of a work holiday to rap about it, from
my point of view. What follows is just a rap, One
Man's Opinion. I make no attempt to claim it's 
true, let alone Truth. It's just how I see things, 
based on my subjective experiences and intuition
following a somewhat spiritual path for over 50 
years. It does not affect you and what you believe
in any way *unless you allow it to*. 

As for the nature of the universe, I believe that
it is eternal, and was never created. That elimin-
ates the need for me to ponder a Creator, or God.
None appears necessary, given my perception of the
world around me, so given the principles of Occam's
Razor I postulate that none exists.

As for whether the universe is real or "Maya," I 
have no clue, and don't much care. It's real *to me*
in certain states of attention, less real in others.
Big whoop. It's a given that one's state of attention
is the "filter" through which we experience the world
around us, so *of course* that's going to affect our

What, after all, is "real?" In the dream plane (because
I studied lucid dreaming for some time, and got pretty
good at it), I am definitely a "co-creator" of that
reality. I can cause whole worlds to manifest and then
play in them. In waking state...uh...not so much. :-)

However, what I honestly believe is that the universe is
"co-created," and was not Created by some entity called
God or the Laws Of Nature. The universe, whether "real"
or a Maya-like hologram, is IMO co-created by the 
collective thoughts and actions of all the sentient
beings that inhabit it. It is the *sum* of all of these
sentient beings' thoughts and actions. 

IMO, no one has inherently more power or value in that
co-creation process than another. Enlightened, schmit-
ened...if they can't remake the world around them *on
demand*, in such a way that other sentient beings 
perceive it as changed, then they ain't got no more
"creator" status than I have. I think it's a group

That said, IMO *all* members of the group have total 
free will, and the ability to make their own decisions.
If you think about it, the idea of karma *can't work*
if there is no free will. Karma merely produces a set
of influences, based on past thoughts and actions. But
those influences are not binding. People *can* change,
as the result of their own intent and will. If that
will did not exist, there would be only predestination,
and that is not how I perceive the world, or even how
most people perceive it. 

As for enlightenment, and its possible value, I feel
that while it may be a neat thing for an individual,
subjectively, it has absolutely zero objective value,
and I have seen no evidence that it has any value for
anyone else other than the person experiencing it.
In a very real sense, enlightenment is the most selfish
act a sentient being could perform. It's all about what
*they* feel and think and experience. 

Subjectively, I have experience this state from time to
time. Big whoop. While it was fun at the time, 50 years
on the path have convinced me that it was no more fun,
and certainly no more valuable to others, than any other
state of attention I have experienced. I no longer seek
enlightenment, and wouldn't cross the street if it were
being sold for a quarter at a hot dog stand. I am content
with experiencing the fleeting states of attention that
come and go for me on a daily basis, and seek no state 
of attention in particular.

That said, there is still the element of focus or 
attention. Although I live in a co-created universe, and
experience things that were Not Of My Doing, some of 
them...uh...less than positive, I don't have to focus
on them to the exclusion of the more positive things.
I have free will. I can *choose* what to focus my attention
on. And so I choose to focus it on shinier, happier mind-
states, and on actions that seem to have a more beneficial
effect on the other sentient beings around me than they
do a negative one. 

And that's it...all I can think of for this particular
rap. It was written in one quick typing spurt, in about
ten minutes, sitting in a Dutch cafe over coffee, with 
no editing and no pauses. As I said at the beginning of 
the rap, what I say does not affect you and what *you* 
believe in any way, *unless you allow it to*. It's just 
a rap, One Man's Opinion. That man believes that you 
have the right to your own opinion, and is in no way 
trying to sell you his or declare his as superior or
"right" or "true" or "Truth." It's just opinion. Live
with it. Or not. Your call.

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