> > I figure the unions have driven many companies to seek
> > cheap labor overseas. Who wants to pay assembly workers
> > $30 an hour plus benefits? I think the days of buying
> > American are over - it's a global economy now.
> >
> > These are liberals like President Obama at work - there's
> > no more 'American Business Patriotism' these days. It's
> > looking like GE has taken control of the White House and
> > some of our news media!
> >
> > It's not going to do any good to yell and scream and
> > foment a 'revolution' like Bhairitu wants - just think
> > about who you're voting for next time!
> >
> > "We've got to understand there's a fundamental difference
> > between the competitiveness of these companies and the
> > competitiveness of America and American workers."
> > - Robert Reich
> >
> Willy really is all over the map isn't he? He's now quoting 
> Robert Reich...
Your political views are radically extreme, but mine are
mainstream and practical: create jobs so people can make
good money and pay their own way. You are not going to get
that by starting a revolution - you'd go broke in a week
and probably starve to death in a month.

According Robert Reich, the Dems you voted for have dropped 
the ball on the economy.

Romney is all about job creation and that is what Americans
are going to vote for. None of your economic ideas are
going to be practical - like starting a revolution - that's
not going to happen, since we already have a democracy. The
last thing most American voters want is a revolt in the

People want to make good money, not participate in a radical 
protest over the global profits of GE. You don't even take
part in a tea-party protest! You're all hat, no cattle.
"Under normal circumstances, this would be the time for the 
federal government to take bold action to ward off a double 
dip. For example, it could put more cash in peoples' pockets 
while giving employers an extra incentive to hire by exempting 
the first $20,000 of earnings from payroll taxes, for a year 
or two..."

Read more:

'Back towards a US double-dip'
By Robert Reich 

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