When are people going to learn that we all have different metabolic 
rates and require different diets.  One shoe size will not fit all nor 
will one diet.  But then we have the First Lady promoting a new diet 
standard.  One plate fits all?   Ayurveda and Chinese medicine has 
recognized the different metabolic rates for centuries.  Reading the 
story as reported on the NY Times earlier this morning on my cancer 
inducing smart phone I trundled through the comments (16 pages of them) 
and not one mentioned metabolic rates.  The most cogent comment was from 
a Canadian mentioning caution on the fruits as they are carbs too and 
can through the metabolism off.  In fact some doctors have at least 
taken to saying "vegetables and some fruits" as opposed to the gleeful 
"fruits and vegetables."

And vegetables?  Root or green leafy?  They different effects on the 
body.  Basically vegetables as well as fruits address a problem of 
mineral intake and a meat and carbs diet and be deficient in them 
(unless you are way too alkaline).

And of course another culprit in all of this: capitalism.  Gotta sell 
those products even if they are unhealthy for the populace.  "It's good 
for the economy."


and many other news sources on the Internet.

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