From: MUM Development Office <>
Subject: This Saturday 12:45. Potluck Picnic and Games Day. Waterworks Park.
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 12:46:20 -0500
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Games Day & Potluck Picnic
Waterworks Park
This Saturday, June 4th
12:45 - 4:00pm

You and your family are warmly invited to a community-wide potluck picnic and outdoor games day this Saturday, June 4th, at Waterworks Park from 12:45 - 4:00pm. (Sorry we got rained out last Sunday!) We really hope you can come on Saturday - we're planning for a beautiful sunny day for a great event!

We'll have 8 canoes for paddling around the lake. Plus, there will be lots of games to play: croquet, volleyball, badminton, frisbee, horseshoes, water balloon toss, funny relay races, paper airplanes, kite flying, and some surprises, too. Relay races 1:45p, big canoe race 2:00p.

Please bring:
* a potluck dish to share, or just food for yourself
* something to sit on, e.g. a folding chair or picnic blanket

This event is free and open to everyone. It is being organized by the Invincible America Social Activities Team.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email Christine Loyacano:

Let's all wish for a beautiful, sunny day and a perfect temperature to have fun in.

See you there!

IA Social Activities Team

P.S. Unfortunately, the city has closed the beach to swimming due to insurance liability concerns. This won't affect our canoeing, and city officials assure us that the water quality is fine.

- Invincible America Social Activities Team -

Raja Hagelin's
Ideal Community Group

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