Who of us had not written that as our assessment of the Movement at this or 
that time, for this or that project. 

And there are many ways of looking at the same situation. What was "crazy" for 
one person was not crazy for another. Part of this may be due to different 
perspectives on what was happening.

It appears many comments about "crazy days, crazy projects, strange behavior" 
is from a linear, project management sort of perspective -- thinking if we are 
trying to accomplish X -- this is NOT the way to do it. Or, alternatively, "why 
the hell are we doing project X". There are other perspectives. Some may be 
closer to what MMY was actually doing.

I'll state a perspective, not THE perspective, simply -- without the nuances. 
The World Plan, Heaven on Earth, MIU, big projects, unconventional behavior, 
etc were not about such initiatives. They were simply tools for MMY to help us 
break our boundaries. 

Do you think conventional projects, plans and implementation are going to break 
boundaries? No, they generally confirm the status quo. On the other hand, 
crazy, outlandish, odd, squirmish projects were just that because we had inner 
attachments, ego issues, projections, assumptions about how things should be 
and what is normal, etc. Huge and or crazy projects, often both were a set of 
tools that MMY used to break these internal boundaries.

The outer fruits of the actions were up to nature -- and not the focus.



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