Maharishi’s Global Family Chat Summary
June 15, 2011 
Inspiring News

Did you know?

Transcendence, Dr. Norman Rosenthal’s book, is now available from Penguin, and 
is on the New York Times bestseller list.

235,000 students in 750 educational institutions in 49 countries have been 
introduced to Transcendental Meditation.
There was a 20% increase in the graduation rate in US high schools for students 
practicing Transcendental Meditation.

‘David Lynch on TM, creativity and peace’ is a 68 minute DVD documentary 
available through the David Lynch Foundation, and it is powerful, fascinating, 
entertaining, and profound.

David Lynch Music is bringing musicians and the public together to raise funds 
for world peace. 

Balancing Weight with Maharishi Ayurveda is a series of CDs and leaflets full 
of practical information in the entertaining Irish style of Dr. Donn Brennan 

And that all this and more is contained in the monthly Transcendental 
Meditation News magazine—all reported by Raja Peter in Maharishi’s Global 
Family Chat today.

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