--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda <no_reply@...> wrote:
> How TM of him
> line of the day...
> creative...and since you TMed once proofs TM works!
> BTW Who wants a bestseller anyway...these Americans lol [;)]

Harold Bloomfield did. As you can possibly tell, I 
have a bone or two to pick with him. 

Back in L.A. when I worked for the TMO Regional Office,
I unfortunately had to interact with him often. He was
one of the TM poster boys, having written a book on TM,
followed up by a successful diet book. Only trouble was
that he was by far the biggest egomaniac I had ever run
into in the TMO. Think about that statement, given the
TMO assholes *you've* run into. :-)

I knew he was an irredeemable slimeball long before he
got arrested for being one because a friend of mine, a
female initiator, went to him for medical advice. Too
busy being a famous L.A. diet doctor, or too busy being
an egomaniac, or for whatever reason, he prescribed the
wrong medication for her. That night she started having
heart palpitations and her roommates convinced her to go
to the emergency room. There, they checked the medication
and told her that if she had waited until morning, as she
had wanted to, she'd have died. The doctors in the ER 
told her that she should sue the pants off of Bloomfield,
and offered to testify for her.

But Harold got to her first. He first tried to talk her
out of filing a medical malpractice suit by telling her
it would reflect badly on Maharishi and on TM. When that
didn't seem to work, he told her that if she filed the
suit he would use his influence with Maharishi to make
sure she never went on another course. She dropped the
idea of suing him.

So when the name Harold Bloomfield comes up, yes, I tend
to see red. Guy was the biggest slimeball I've ever met.
I was not in the least surprised when he was later arrested
for slipping his female patients roofies and raping or near-
raping them. The saddest part is that they let him off with-
out any prison time. I would have loved to have seen him 
gangraped by his fellow inmates, without the roofie foreplay. 
That would have better suited my notion of karma.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@>
> wrote:
> > > > It seems a very sad thing that they can't even see what
> > > > they are doing. TM improves "moral reasoning", right.
> > >
> > > Who wrote that release?  This is someone you'd trust in life?
> >
> > The claim that it was on the NYT Bestseller List
> > seems to come from a June 15 blurb on...wait for
> > it...Global Good News:
> >
> > http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-peace-a.html?art=13083723671654678
> >
> > However, a search of the Top 100 fails to find it,
> > and a search of all lists from May and June seems
> > to not find it. It appears that someone at Global
> > Good News basically made up the "bestseller" idea
> > and Phil Goldberg just parroted it. How TM of him.
> >

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