> And why? Why on earth is she running?
Because Michele Bachmann cannot lose. Even if she
doesn't get the nomination of her party, she will
gain prestige for running, be even more famous
and she will increase her presence in the U.S.
Congress, which will almost surely help her get
attention for her causes and initiatives.

So, thanks, Vaj, for helping out in her campaign!

But, you could have just posted a link to Momfort's
article, not the whole friggin' article. You just
committed word theft, Moron. LoL!

> I don't nearly have the space, and Matt Taibbi's 
> fantastic Rolling Stone piece...
According to what I've read, Rolling Stone's editor
and Matt Taibi are idiots, having been caught
red-handed authoring articles without attributions.

Everyone knows that just about everything we know 
about Michele Bachmann comes from two bloggers who 
have been following Bachmann for years.

So, I guess Rolling Stones sucks big time, AGAIN.

"She will gain attention for the conservative issues 
she cares about and may solidify her standing as the 
national face of the tea party movement – making her 
even more of a force to be reckoned with in Washington..."

'Will Michele Bachmann's gaffes hurt her presidential candidacy?'
Christian Science Monitor, June 28, 2011

"After weeks of struggling to break out of the single 
digits, Bachmann has surged in recent polls. Former 
Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is still the solid GOP 
frontrunner, but Bachmann has started to separate 
herself from the rest of the pack..." 

'Bachmann Surging in the Polls Ahead of Campaign Kickoff'
Fox News, June 25, 2011

> http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/06/29/notes062911.DTL

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