--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi" <raviyogi@> wrote:
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u" <wgm4u@> wrote:
> > >>
> > > I've never seen such partisan and one sided posting as
> > > from this particular poster, it is as if he can only
> > > see black and white or is so jaded in his way of
> > > thinking that objective thinking is no longer possible.
> >
> > Yes do.rflex is a big idiot - it was probably not wise of
> > you to respond to him because he gets very disoriented,
> > disturbed and disjointed if he has to indulge in any human
> > interactions. Please leave him alone in peace so he can
> > just continue his copy and paste from various liberal
> > websites in a mind-numbing, monotonous and mechanical manner.
> Watch 'em dance, folks.

Well, I'll chime in here and back up BillyG and Ravi,
because the do.rk can't accuse me of finding his
behavior inappropriate on account of my politics; I'm
at least as liberal as he is.

Nobody minds the occasional cut-and-paste if it's
well chosen and the poster is willing to discuss it.
But the indiscriminate dumping that the do.rk has
been doing here for months, without any commentary
of his own, his only response to disagreement from
others being what he perceives to be withering
insults like the above, are an abuse of the forum.
And it makes liberals look bad just on general
principles; people are more likely to resist liberal
ideas when they're relentlessly shoved in their
faces with no discussion possible.

One of his arrogant little tricks is to pick out
what he thinks are important fragments of the
articles he posts and put them at the top so we'll
be sure not to miss them. That's annoying and
insulting. We don't need him to instruct us in 
what's significant about an article. We'll decide
for ourselves, thank you very much, if we want to
read the article at all. And if we aren't going to
read the whole thing, we're not going to accept
his choice of callouts as a summary.

His snotty comment above is reminiscent of Barry's
oft-repeated self-serving trope that the only reason
people criticize his behavior is because they don't
agreee with his criticisms of TM. That's utter
hogwash, but apparently the do.rk thinks it's a
stinging rebuke worthy of emulation.

> > > And the incessant posting of websites that support his particular
> > viewpoint is simplistic and a poor substitute for his own comments on
> > the matter, like, what's he afraid of?, he might be wrong?
> > >
> > > At least Judy will engage.....
> > >
> >

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