One solution is to let the Republicans get full control of the government, and 
if they continued their brutality, and they would, then they'll all be shot 
dead in the streets in short order when they try to set up their brand of 
fascism and of course overreach with a draconian apocalypse that would make 
Wisconsin and Michigan but an insignificant start in their dismantling all 
things good about America.   

Right now, I think the country's on a cusp of a financial civil war, and the 
righties are winning, but at some point, the abuse will pressure cook America 
to violence.

How many grandmothers do we have to see tossed into the streets because the 
government stopped their SSS checks?  There's going to be someone hunting down 
granny's abusers, right? Granny will be avenged.

400 rich guys have stolen over half America's money, and I say we should 
rendition them and drop them off on the streets of would be a 
huge success as a reality show, eh?  "How can Bob find a handful of rice today? 
 Stay tuned for adventure!"



--- In, "wayback71" <wayback71@...> wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > On 07/08/2011 05:37 AM, WLeed3@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Stocks - Short&  Sweet
> > >
> > > I called my stockbroker and asked him what I should be  buying.
> > >
> > >
> > > He said, "If the current administration is in office much  longer, canned
> > > goods and ammunition are your best  bet!"
> > 
> > And if the Republicans take over again, a condo in Belize.
> >
> Actually, if the Repubs do get in, we need to have a discussion here on FFL 
> about the possible places to head to.

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